
Dr Jagdish M jyoti - Cosmetic Surgeon,Apollo Hospitals, Hyderabad, India.

Basis of hair transplantation

Men of all countries and races have shared the tragedy of premature hair loss for thousands of years, always looking for a cure. Hair loss seems to affect us more in recent times considering the fact that it is a highly competitive and youth oriented society.

The main cause of baldness is heredity. It has been proved that male pattern baldness /or Androgenetic Alopecia is directly related to genetic cause, male hormone and age. Some men have baldness only in the front or at the vertex, while in others it is more severe. But, no matter how extensive the baldness, there is always a "Horseshoe" shaped band of permanent hair at the back and sides of the head. scientifically it has been proven that these hairs are genetically programmed to resist the effect of male hormones which caused hair loss. Such hairs when transplanted into areas of thinning or bald areas continue to survive and grow. This forms the basis of hair transplant.

The transplanted hairs start growing after 4 months and are permanent. they can be washed,colored cut and styled like natural hairs.

The mode of hair loss is by miniaturization of hair follicles. In this the Growth of Hairs becomes slow. Hairs become thin, short, loose Pigment and eventually falloff. It has been Scientifically Proven that miniature is caused by DHT(di-hydro Testosterone) on the hair roots.

Now the good news is, miniaturization is said to be a reversible process. The Effects of DHT are reversible with the US-FDA Approved Medicines like Finasteride and Minoxidil. These Medicines Prevent further damage to hair follicles and thereby improving the hair growth. These medicines are best complimented with the use of anti-oxidants, diet modifications and nutritional supplements which provides suitable environment for growing cells. Hair Growth becomes evident in 2 months.

Hair Cycle
Role of Androgens

The average normal scalp contains terminal hairs from 90000-1,40,000 hairs.

Types of Hairs
  • 1. Terminal hairs( coarse, medullated, pigmented)
  • 2. Vellas hairs(fine, unmedulated, hypo-pigmented)

At any one time

90% of terminal hairs are in anagen phase(growing phase) lasting approximately 1000days. 10% of terminal hairs are in catagen phase(regression phase) and Resting Phase(tilogen phase) lasting for 3 to 4 months. these cycles are asynchronous i.e., ten growing hairs may reside next to one resting hair. There fore shedding of 100 hairs per day is normal as this amount enters catagen everyday and equal amount of hairs normally entering the anagen phase.

The interesting fact is that an individual must loose approximately 50% of his/her original hairs before hair loss becomes evident clinically.