
Dr Jagdish M jyoti - Cosmetic Surgeon,Apollo Hospitals, Hyderabad, India.

Body - Tummy Tuck (Abdominoplasty)

A Bulging abdomen invites comments like "it is a sign of prosperity" or "she must be pregnant". In fact it is not so, it could be due to excessive collection of fat on excessive Weakened Abdominal Muscles. Abdominoplasty or “Tummy Tuck Surgery” is designed to remove the excess sagging skin of the abdomen and at the same time, tighten the abdominal wall muscles to restore the tone lost during pregnancy. This operation is helpful in women who have relaxed loose abdominal skin following pregnancies or after losing excessive amount of weight by dieting. If some one has a combination of excessive fat and loose skin, liposuction and skin resection can be done at the same time.

An important consideration for abdominoplasty is the Tummy Tuck cost which is an important factor when selecting the right tummy tuck clinic. However the quality of tummy tuck surgery is more important than the tummy tuck cost. If the ultimate aim of tummy tuck surgery is to have a good looking physical appearance, then the the expertise of the abdominoplasty doctor and his experience are probably more important than the tummy tuck surgery cost. Amongst a plethora of clinics for Tummy tuck in India, our clinic is one of the most reputed centers for tummy tuck, in Hyderabad.

Duration of Surgery 2 - 3 hrs
Hospital Stay 2 - 3 days
Stitches removed after 7 to 10 days
Recovery 2 - 3 weeks
Surgical procedure
The procedure is performed under general anesthesia .The amount of lax skin of the abdomen to be excised is pre-marked on the day of surgery.The skin is separated and lifted from the abdominal muscles all the way to rib cage. During this process of lifting the abdominal skin from the muscles, the umbilicus is separated on it’s stalk from the surrounding skin. The lax muscle is approximated in mid line by application using non absorbable suture. With the hips flexed the upper abdominal skin flap is then pulled downwards and then anchored to the lower flap with key sutures. A small hole is made in the skin overlying the umbilicus, which is then brought out through the hole and sutured all around.Two drains are placed on either side of the incision and the skin sutured in layers. Sutured incision is draped with plasters to keep the skin tight. These plasters are removed during the first post operative visit after two days.
After Surgery 1) Diet- liquids and soft solids on the same day.
2) Patient is mobilized with hips flexed and advisied to maintain same posture for a week. During sleep this posture is maintained by positioning two pillows under thighs.
3) Antibiotics and pain relief medication for 5-7 days.
4) Plasters and drains are removed during the outpatient visit on second post operative day
5) Social activity are limited for about 4 weeks following the surgery and strenuous activities including sports and games are to be limited for about 8 weeks following the surgery.
6) Driving is to be avoided on the day of surgery and resumed after 2-3 weeks based on patients comfort level.
Complications Swelling, Infection, numbness, delayed healing, hyper pigmentation of skin or scar.











